Our Mission

Our mission is to empower individuals with brain injuries to live fulfilling lives in their communities.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to provide people with brain injuries and other neurological disorders the opportunity to grow and affirm themselves through support services offered in their own communities.

Our Core Beliefs

Individuals have the right to be active decision makers in their life-planning process.

Services and supports should be tailored to the individual.

Development of human relationships is the basis for personal growth and social acceptance and change.

One-To-One Approach Promotes Personal Choice

Cognilive collaborates with individuals, families, and funding sources to craft personalized programs that empower reintegration into the community.

We prioritize individual needs by providing adaptable living arrangements that support a diverse range of work, community involvement, and social interactions.

Live in Home or Apartment with Support Staff

– or –

Live in Own Home with Family Members

Personalized Community Interaction

– plus –

Skill Development Specific to Interest