Our Seamless Referral & Intake Process

Step 1
Referral + Initial Screening

Cognilive welcomes referrals for individuals who may benefit from our programs. Our streamlined referral process ensures a prompt and efficient evaluation for potential clients.


Referral Submission

Referrals can be submitted to the Program Manager, Case Manager, or any designated staff member.


Initial Screening

Within 24-48 hours of receiving a referral, a Program Manager or designee will conduct a telephone screening interview with the referring party.

The screening interview will address the following key areas:


Determining if the referred individual meets our program criteria for service enrollment and further assessment.

Collaborative Goals

Identifying shared goals for the client, family, funding sources, and the referring agency is crucial.

Financial Considerations

Conducting a preliminary assessment of potential funding availability to ensure alignment with service costs.

Next Steps

Following the initial screening, a determination will be made regarding the appropriateness of proceeding to Step 2 involving a more in-depth assessment.

Step 2
Intake Evaluation + Assessment

Following a successful initial screening, qualified individuals will be scheduled for an in-depth intake evaluation and assessment conducted by our assigned staff.


Scheduling & Preparation

  • Intake evaluations typically occur within 2-3 business days after initial screening approval.
  • To facilitate a comprehensive evaluation, authorizations for information exchange will be obtained from the referred individual or legal guardian. This allows us to gather relevant medical records and reports.

Evaluation Components

  • A thorough review of available medical and treatment records.
  • Interviews with key stakeholders, including the referred individual, rehabilitation professionals, family members, funding representatives, and the referring agency.
  • An informal assessment of cognitive skills and behaviors observed in the individual’s current environment.

Objectives of the Evaluation

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s current medical, cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial functioning and needs.
  • Assess their level of independence in daily living and work activities.
  • Clarify and verify information obtained from previous reports.
  • Gather pre-injury details (if available) to establish a comprehensive background.
  • Collaboratively set goals and identify priority areas where services can make the most significant impact.
  • Align expectations of the individual, family, referring party, and funding source.
  • Educate all involved parties about the benefits and limitations of Cognilive services.
  • Gather information and preferences regarding staff compatibility and living environment suitability.

Next Steps

This in-depth evaluation allows us to transition to Step 3, which is to develop a personalized service plan tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals.

Step 3
Individualized Program Development

Following the comprehensive intake evaluation and assessment, our team will leverage the gathered information to design a personalized program specifically tailored to the client’s unique needs and goals.


Program Philosophy

Cognilive is dedicated to providing a comprehensive network of individualized services for individuals with brain injuries and other neurological disorders. We believe in empowering individuals, families, and funders through creative programs that offer:

  • Meaningful activities designed to maximize the client’s strengths.
  • Seamless integration into a supportive community environment.
  • Professional oversight and stable support structures that are crucial for success.

Goal-Directed Approach

Our programs are built upon a comprehensive and goal-directed approach, ensuring services and treatments directly address the needs of:

  • The individual with the brain injury.
  • The family members providing support.
  • The funding source responsible for program costs.

Core Service Objectives

The individualized program will encompass services designed to:

  • Facilitate the development and application of skills and behaviors essential for successful community integration.
  • Empower the individual to identify their needs and actively participate in the comprehensive assessment process.
  • Collaboratively establish goals and strategies that maximize the individual’s abilities in achieving their desired long-term outcomes.

Next Steps

This personalized program will serve as the roadmap for the client’s journey towards a fulfilling and independent life. To ensure we remain on track, our final Step 4 is on-going support and monitoring.

Step 4
On-Going Support + Monitoring

At Cognilive, we understand that recovery is an ongoing process. That’s why our commitment to your success extends beyond initial program development.


Continuous Support

  • Our dedicated team will provide ongoing support and guidance throughout your program participation.
  • We believe in open communication and collaboration, ensuring you feel empowered and informed every step of the way.

Regular Monitoring & Progress Tracking

  • We will closely monitor your progress towards established goals through regular assessments and analysis.
  • This ongoing monitoring allows us to adapt and refine your program as needed to optimize your success.

Collaborative Communication

  • We maintain open communication channels with family members, caregivers, and funding sources to ensure everyone is informed and involved in your progress.
  • Regular communication allows us to address any concerns and celebrate milestones together.

Long-Term Investment in Your Success

Our commitment goes beyond simply delivering services. We are invested in your long-term success and will work collaboratively to help you achieve your full potential and live a fulfilling life.